Category Archives: National

AF3IRM Rejects Corporate Greed and Launches List for Women’s Lives/Livelihoods

For Immediate Release
November 29, 2013
Contact: Katrina Socco, National Programme Coordinator
  On Black Friday and everyday, AF3IRM rejects the corporate greed that fuels imperialist control which militarism enforces. Women produce the labor, which makes all labor possible, and yet we are the most vulnerable in the workplace. We know that women are exploited as the means of production and in the mode … Continue Reading ››

Extradition of Former Congressman’s Mistress Dropped; AF3IRM Celebrates Victory on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

For Immediate Release
November 25, 2013
Contact: Barbra Ramos, National Communications Director
[email protected] | 323-813-4272
NATIONAL-- “There is no better way for us to mark this day,” said AF3IRM National Chair Jollene Levid, upon receiving the news that the Philippine government had officially rescinded its request for the extradition of Grace Grande, who had fled her status as a congressman’s mistress. “We want to thank, … Continue Reading ››

AF3IRM Responds to SlutWalk: The Women’s Movement Is Not Monochromatic.

From the moment the first call for a SlutWalk in the US went out, the AF3IRM membership – transnational women who are im/migrants or whose families are im/migrants from Latin America, Asia, and Africa – has been analyzing and discussing this burgeoning movement to address the issue of sexual violence and continuing victimization of rape victims by police, the justice … Continue Reading ››