Crossing Borders, Crashing Boundaries: SSoWA’S Final Session on Five-Continents Feminism

NEW YORK:  AF3IRM NYC’s Summer School of Women’s Activism will end on August 1st with a celebratory study and discussion of the global women’s struggle, its historical and cultural contexts, its main issues, the differences and similarities in women’s concerns the world over.

To register for SSOWA, access www.SSOWA2015.EVENTBRITE.COM.
The registration fee of $40 for employed women and women-identified, $35 for students and low-income;  $80 per institutional representative includes a light lunch and snacks for four Saturdays, beginning July 11, and reading materials for all sessions.  The school opens at noon and lasts until 4 pm.

Facilitated by Olivia Canlas and Michelle Cervantes, this session will feature a panel of presenters of different ethnic linage conversant in the struggles of women in their ancestral countries.  The panel includes women of Palestinian, Dalit, African and other ancestries.  The conversation will be both among them and between them and the class, as they hammer out positions of unity for women’s liberation.

As globalized capital imposes itself on traditional feudal structures, how women deal with the twin on-burden of feudal structures intensifying capitalist exploitation will be the under current of this session’s discourse.

The class will end with graduation exercises as participants who have completed the SSOWA 2015 are awarded certificates and asked to speak about one woman in her family whose life has been both a source of inspiration and regret.

Scholarships are available for those who cannot afford.   Donations are also accepted from those who wish to cover the registration fee for someone who is hard-pressed financially at the moment.  Email: for more information.